Biblical Worldview Essay

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As this book is going into production I am teaching four-year old children at Vacation Bible School. The Lord told me and I immediately said, Yes. I am delighted, young minds are so sweet and kind, and eager to listen and learn Bible stories. It is a good idea to have at least one Bible in your possession. There are many kinds of Bibles in existence. At the end of this chapter I have a list of some of the common ones. The Bible that I used the most in this book is the King James Version Archaeological Study Bible by Zondervan. I chose it both for its beautiful language and the fact I believe in our very rushed society it is wise for us to slow down and appreciate our language in different words than we are perhaps used to. My son Dr. Paul R. …show more content…

I believe that God is truly giving us a second chance, and through the media
He is achieving it. The movie “Son of God”, which came out in the theatres is the last two hours section of the mini-series.

My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers-
This is a very important book for spiritual development. It takes the entire calendar of the year and gives you an important lesson for each day of the year.
The next year you repeat the same messages, because depending on where you are in life and what circumstances you are going through you will learn a different lesson, I read this book daily, and it inspires you.

I recommend meditation CD’s by Carl and Ortrun Franklin, Coptic Ministers
Spiritual Coaching, Mystery School Initiations, Intuitive Divination Readings, Emotional Clearing, Aura Balancing A Course in Miracles
The Advent of a Great Awakening
2005 Barnes and Noble, Inc.

365 Mary
A daily guide to Mary’s wisdom and comfort
By Woodeene Koenig-Bricker
1997 By Harper Collins Publications

The Shepherd by Joseph F. Girzone and
Joshua by Joseph F.

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