Biblical Perspectives In Psychology Essay

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“You don’t have to see a psychologist, Jesus will help you solve all your problems.” A dignified lady at my church once criticized my mother for putting my family in counseling to receive much needed help from professionals. She believed asking for help denied the power of Jesus. On the contrary, I believe the science of psychology should work together with biblical principles and also acknowledge Jesus Christ as the truth and only way of salvation. Psychologists work from five different perspectives: neuroscience, behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, and psychodynamic. The biggest problem with these perspectives is that they try to fix mental problems through human means while Christians believe Jesus heals. However, despite this, four out of the five perspectives share core beliefs with Christians and match biblical principles. While most possess occasional anti-biblical beliefs, all the …show more content…

Every behavior ultimately can be broken down into its biological components, so this perspective has broad appeal (Feldman, 2011, p.19). The Bible supports the neuroscience perspective of psychology as it states, “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me” (Psalm 51:5 New International Version). Thus, scientists should analyze genetics because humans all have flawed genes due to sin. Also, the Bible contains support for the fact that genetics affect actions. For example, Jesus talks about types of men who should not marry women. He states, Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born that way...” (Matthew 19:11-12). Here, he explains that some people have homosexuality tendencies due to their genetic makeup. Using the neuroscience perspective of psychology correlates with the Bible, as both believe imperfect genetics affect

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