Betty Friedan Contribution To The Feminist Movement

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geralt / Pixabay In the 1960s the western countries had experienced an unprecedented economic boom based upon mass production. This, however, had roused the angry protest first of many intellectuals, and then both of students and women. The Feminist Movement or Neo-Feminist Movement [the latter term had been first used to distinguish it from the first wave of women’s movement that marked the early decades of 20th century, which wanted to obtain political rights] developed through the 1960s, first in the United States and later in Europe. The Feminist Movement began to set its own objective radically putting into question the relationship between the two sexes and the subordinate role of women in Western society. The founder and leader of the Feminist Movement was Betty Friedan, who in 1966 founded the American National Organization for Women, an association that brought together the different …show more content…

First Edition, 1963], which accompanied the famous ‘The Second Sex’ by the feminist theorist Simone de Beauvoir [ First Edition, 1949. Republished in 2015, Paperback]. These two books were the Program of the Women's Movement . The battles of 1968 have made important contributions to “feminist consciousness”, knocking down American sexual taboos, which allowed women to live in a free and uninhibited way. The white Feminist Movement was accompanied by some feminist women of color organizations. The New Feminist Movement of 1968 became also accessible [at least partly] to women in developing countries, where they suffered an exploitation of societies usually characterized by high levels of male power . In this regard, here I would like to recall the words on a protest banner written by some black women, “We represent Black of Third World Women, the most exploited and oppressed in the human

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