Betty Boop-A-Doop Woman

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part of playing a damsel in distress as she is seen singing “Do Something” while crossing the tightropes. In this song, Betty is telling her boyfriend to do something sexual to her. However, the song instead entices the ringmaster as she is accosted by him as he sexually harasses her by touching her body inappropriately and threatens to fire her if she doesn’t sleep with him. In the end, thanks to Koko the clown, Betty is saved and just barely escapes the ringmaster’s attack. Her need to be saved is a stark contrast to her first appearance in this short animation as Betty is first introduced as a working woman, playing the part of a lion tamer and tightrope walker. Betty is trapped in a cage full of ferocious lions with only a whip to subdue …show more content…

In the 1932 film, Boop-Oop-a-Doop, Betty is subjected to sexual harassment and rape attempts by her employer. The ringmaster’s aggression towards Betty is very different compared to her male counterparts. The ringmaster attempts to rid himself of Koko’s interruptions are by trying to shoot him out of a cannon, and while Koko’s retaliation is to attack the ringmaster by hitting him on the head with a mallet. The male characters display more explicit violence towards each other than toward Betty as the threats to her are constantly overtly sexual. This is also prominent in another film by the Fleischer brothers released in 1935; Stop That Noise, where Betty is assaulted by mosquitoes while trying to escape the noisy city by moving to the countryside. While trying to relax and read a book, Betty is harassed by animals and bugs alike. The aggression begins as single mosquito first stings Betty on the legs, ruining her stockings. Betty manages to shoo the mosquito away, but later the mosquito calls for reinforcements and the swarm attacks her relentlessly in the rear. Mosquitoes can sting any body part, but with Betty, they are insistent on attacking her buttocks repeatedly in the buttocks. In both animated shorts, Betty is repeatedly abused and the aggression against her is sexualized compared to the physical abuse seen between her male counterparts. In this way, the

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