Betsy Sparrow

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Long before we had access to the Internet, the means of obtaining knowledge were limited to a resources such as textbooks, encyclopedias, lectures and the willingness to inhabit the library all weekend. These were crucial ways for us to gather information and keep hold of what we absorbed. Fast forward to the 21st century and all of the world’s knowledge is just one click away. As amazing as it sounds to have information in an instant, it's starting to impact our brains. In the readings by John Bohannon and Nicholas Carr, they explain how the internet changed the way we read and how we conserve the information we read. Before Google became our very own personal memory bank, we will preserve information mentally for days, weeks , months …show more content…

He describes how Betsy Sparrow wondered "How did we use to remember things like this before the internet?" Betsy, now a professor for Columbia University decided to conduct a number of experiments with her colleagues to explore how the internet may be changing the way a person's mind handles information.
One experiment Betsy conducted involved forty different trivia statements, where the subjects had to type facts about each other on a computer. Betsy then immediately told half of the subjects that the computer was going to store everything they had typed. She then proceeded to inform the other half that everything they typed down would be deleted by the computer. Later on, Betsy challenged the students to write down the statements without the use of the …show more content…

3). People think that the internet has rewired our brains and changed the way we read, but Maryanne Wolf, a developmental psychologist at Tufts University, disputes that "We have to teach our minds how to translate the symbolic characters we see into the language we understand”. (Nicholas Carr,p. 10)What Maryanne was implying here with that statement is that the resources we use, be it a textbook or the internet plays an important role in shaping the neural circuits in our brain. The mind can be wired and rewired to learn how to read and comprehend information no matter the source and

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