Betrayal Thesis

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In a not so ordinary book about blacks and white, written by Mallory Black we can clearly relate with what is happening to characters. This is because of betrayal.
Thesis statement:
Betrayal is one of the predominant themes in naughts and crosses. The different types of betrayal shown are family betrayal, friendship betrayal and belief betrayal.
First paragraph:
Sometimes people who we think our our friends are the ones that can hurt you the most. The theme friendship betrayal is shown when Callum invites Sephy to the beach and then kidnaps her. The beach, where Sephy and Callum used to meet and where she was captured, turned from a symbol of friendship and loyalty to a symbol of betrayal. "Could we meet tonight around nine o'clock at our special place. Its very important" Callum wrote in the letter. Sephy thought she was going to meet up with an old friend but it was the start of Callum's betrayal to their friendship. This shows us that Callum is like backstabbing Sephy and his friendship. "How ironic that Sephy, who had always supported the Liberation Militia's aim of equality for and between naughts and crosses, should now be subject to our tender mercies. The Liberation Militia have her now, Thanks to me. She would never have fallen into our hands if I hadn't set her up. I betrayed her. That thought more than any other, rips strips off whats left of my soul like some kind on insatiable hell-hound" Friendship betrayal not only goes from Callum to Sephy it also goes from Sephy to Callum. When there is a riot at Sephy's school and she screams, "Stop it! You're all behaving like animals! Worse than animals - like blankers!". Callum had never heard Sephy say that word, it was a very offensive.
Second paragraph:
Family is...

... middle of paper ... why she was beaten up, "I believe my daughter was beaten up for sitting at your lunch table yesterday. You must be so proud of yourself." Jasmine said. Kamal Hadley betrayed the belief of having a close stable family he was never with his daughters or wife and when he did it was for other reasons not for love. Sephy tells us a little about this betrayal "Dad was never going to have and time for me and my sister and my mother. The only reason we'd been around at all was just because a 'stable' family was necessary."
Betrayal is to give aid or information to an enemy of; commit treason against: betray one's country.To deliver into the hands of an enemy in violation of a trust or allegiance.It not only affects the person betraying but it also affects the person or people being betrayed. People get betrayed by their friends, family and beliefs.

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