Betrayal And Redemption In The Kite Runner

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Amir's father claims that the worst sin is stealing. He always says that when someone lies, they steal someone's right to the truth. Knowing this, Baba has committed the worst act of sin and betrayal in the entire story. When Amir goes back to Afghanistan as a grown man to visit Rahim Khan, he learns that Hassan is his half-brother; his father had been their father all along. He went back to his home country to redeem himself and find forgiveness, but now he is faced with redeeming his father's sins as well. His whole childhood was spent believing that Hassan was only his servant, barely allowing himself to believe that he was a friend, and now he has to find out that his father lied to him and that this boy was his brother. Amir is now on a journey not only for himself but also for his dad and Hassan, determined to prove that he "can be good again" (2). Baba kept Hassan's real identity a secret because he did not want to ruin his reputation. If word had gotten out that Baba had slept with his servant, he would have been socially dead. Maybe this had even helped other people in the long run. Perhaps Baba built the orphanage, donated so much money, and threw extravagant parties for everyone because he felt guilty he had to keep Hassan a secret.

Amir and Baba both shared guilt for betraying their best friends. However, only Amir was able to relieve his guilt and redeem himself by adopting Hassan’s son, Sohrab. Baba never owned up to his secrets, which ultimately hurt many people. Amir was determined not to follow in his father's footsteps. Baba's biggest mistake was not telling Amir and Hassan that they were brothers. Amir did not want to continue with the lies and secrets, so he told Sohrab that he was his uncle and that Hassan was his brother at the first opportunity. Starting with no secrets was the beginning of a better life, free from guilt, for both Sohrab and Amir.

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