Best Night Ever

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"Is this real?" Jordy screamed to me as we watched the five boys pop up from under the stage as Up All Night began. Shouting, screaming, music all pumping through my body at once. I was living the dreams I had been having for a long time now. The night was finally here. I was standing in the crowd of a One Direction concert and nothing could take away the high I was experiencing right now. Not the sweat not the deafening screams, not even our deteriorating sign; nothing. Four Hours Earlier... I checked the time on my phone for the third time in the last two minutes, still 3:56pm. Finally the taxi ride drew to a close as our mothers payed the slightly irritable driver. Jordy and I bounded across the street, pausing to stare up in awe. Behind us was the sound of traffic and in front of us was a massive line of teenage girls waiting for their tickets to sound check- an opportunity Jordy and I could only dream of. Once our mums had caught up to us we all gathered in the shade of the merchandise stand. I was ready to use the money that had been burning a hole in my pocket since I had gotten off the plane in Melbourne airport. After around ten minutes after our arrival my mum asked a man when the merchandise stall opened. 5 o'clock, we had another hour. While we were debating what to do, my mum decided to ask one of the many girls running past us on what they were all doing. "We're going to sound check," the girl replied excitedly. "We have an extra ticket would you like it?" She asked, turning to me. My brain froze. I was being offered a ticket to One Direction's Sound check. A little voice in the back of my mind reminded me I couldn't leave Jordy. She is my best friend and if the roles we're reversed she would decline the ticket ... ... middle of paper ... ...e that in," said the security woman, motioning to our sign. My heart sank. We'd worked so hard on that sign and it was our one chance on getting One Direction to know we exist. "We'll take the lights off. They're the problem right?" Jordy exclaimed suddenly. That led to us on the ground by the gates furiously ripping the lights off our sign, ruining it before we even got inside. Both Jordy and I were devastated as we queued up for water. But everything was worth it, the running, the nerves the disasters. We were finally here, standing at the front row of the back section at a One Direction concert watching our idols do what they love. We'd already lost out voices and I was pretty sure I had a sweat puddle around me but I was bursting with happiness we had gone from not having any tickets at all and now we were here experiencing a night I will remember forever.

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