Beowulf An Epic Hero Essay

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An epic hero is merely defined as someone who portrays the characteristics of honor, bravery, and courageousness. In the story Beowulf, Beowulf proved himself as an epic hero numerous times through his past accomplishments and adventures. He fought battles other humans could never endure. He has proven his bravery, courage, and honor by defeating the dragon and also proved himself in the battle with Grendel and Grendel’s mother. A considerable amount of times throughout the story, Beowulf demonstrates himself to be one of the greatest epic heroes.

Before Beowulf’s coming, King Hrothgar’s mead-hall, Herot, was getting attacked by Grendel, a vicious monster. Several men were killed each night due to Grendel’s jealousy. The men eventually …show more content…

Beowulf jumped into the murky lake, where he sunk for hours and hours. When he encountered Grendel’s mother, she clutched him in her claws and took him to an area which was similar to a battle-hall. Beowulf mightily fought the mother as he swung his sword at her, knowing nothing could kill her evil skin. But, he did not give up; for all he wanted to prove was his bravery, honor, and courage. After being knocked off of his weary feet, Beowulf pulled himself up and continued fighting. This part of the story proved Beowulf to excel in skill, strength, and courage; just a few characteristics of an epic hero. After getting up, Beowulf discovered a sword hung on the wall, so massive no regular man could lift. The story states, “Then he saw, hanging on the wall, a heavy sword… But so massive that no ordinary man could lift… He drew it from its scabbard, broke the chain… and struck with all the strength he had left” (lns. 530-538). Beowulf had once again defeated another strong demon. Back on land, the Danes and Hrothgar left assuming Beowulf had been defeated. Many believed they would never see Beowulf again. Shortly after, Beowulf appeared, sword and all. “He who rules time and seasons, He who is truly God” (lns. 582-583). The people celebrated and showered Beowulf with rich treasures. Another characteristic of an epic hero, which Beowulf proves himself to own in this section, is honor. …show more content…

In order to get the gold he had seen at the bottom of the lake, he must surpass the dragon. Beowulf gathered the best men to assist him in defeating the monster and claiming the treasures. Beowulf met the dragon at the entrance of the tower. The dragon blew fire out and Beowulf let out a battle cry. As Beowulf felt the engulfed flames, the sword breaks as he struck the angry dragon. Soon after, ten of the eleven men flee in fright from the dragon. Beowulf nor Wiglaf flees, but stays to fight, following the scampering of the men. Beowulf struck the dragon, but his tusk slices Beowulf’s neck. With a sliced neck, Beowulf managed to pull out a dagger and slay the dragon in two. The dragon is defeated, but Beowulf lays dying. Beowulf had proved himself to be an epic hero through this part of the story because he put up one more fight after conquering Grendel and his mother. The motivation and courage he possessed allowed him to fight his last battle before the final hours of his life. He had won the fame and honor he once hoped

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