Jason Compare And Contrast Benjy And Mrs Commpson

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The Compson family has three sons; Benjamin (Benjy), Quentin, and Jason, along with a daughter, Candace (Caddy). Benjy is the youngest son of the family and is mentally disabled, Quentin is the oldest son of the family and is the only child of the family who is trying to find some meaning of life, and Jason is the son who can care less about love and family. Caddy on the other hand, is the most important character in the novel, whose views are shown less, and others views on her are shown alot more, being a big part of the novel. Their parents Mr. and Mrs. Compson do not show much love for their children. The only child Mrs. Compson shows some love for is Jason, who perhaps doesn’t care about her love and is actually the worst of the children. …show more content…

It seems that Benjy is lost in the matters of the past; in which neither can he do anything about it nor can he forget it. He remembers things from the past suddenly when something similar happens in the present. Whenever he remembers things like when he was castrated while luster in the present ; helped him change for bed and Caddy’s lost of virginity, he mourns and cries, he can’t forget it and neither can he do anything to change it. Benjy and Luster were Benjy cannot escape the past of his life. Benjy makes no connection from the past and the present. Caddy is all the matters to him throughout his life since his parents and siblings can care less about him. Benjy many disturbing flashbacks of his past, with the present and all mixed up with his memories, and sadly lacks love from his mother who is supposed to be always be there for him. All his mother ever did for him is that she kept him away from the mental asylum, which indeed is a horrible place to be in. Benjy and Quentin are both concerned with Caddy …show more content…

His past memories bother him over and over again. There is a frequent appearance of clocks and watches. The ticking of Quentin’s own watch haunts him so he hits his watch against the dresser and breaks it. Quentin, at Harvard, consistently notices the bells of the clock tower. Quentin is unable to move beyond his memories from the past. Quentin is the hope of the family. Quentin is like Shakespeare’s Hamlet, where he thinks too much about one subject and is trapped in his thoughts from the past. Quentin envies Dalton Ames whenever he sees him or hears about him. He hates the fact that Caddy had been with Dalton Ames. In The Sound and the Fury, Caddy did not enjoy her relationships with men and told Quentin, “When they touched me, I died”. Caddy hated it yet found this as a way to escape from the Compson world. Quentin decided to tell his father that he has committed incest, yet he hasn’t done anything like that. He just wants to protect Caddy. Quentin wants Caddy to be disgraced because of him, not because of the men she had sex with. Quentin saw both, himself and Caddy in hell together with no one else to be seen. Quentin saw this because he was planning on committing suicide. Quentin just wanted Caddy to be protected and for her to stay away from other

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