Benjamin Franklin Research Paper Outline

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Ben Franklin Benjamin Franklin otherwise known as Ben Franklin is one of the United States most famous people. For those of you who don’t know who Ben is, you are not an American because every student knows about one of the many of his greatest inventions. Ben has been looked up on by many other great scholars in order for them to learn from him. I think that Benjamin is probably one of the greatest people to live, well besides me. Something interesting about Mr. Franklin is that he wasn’t always the smartest or brightest cats in his young age. When Ben was in his early teens he was a newspaper printer, and he also helped his brother in typing his newspapers. At the age of seventeen Benjamin had moved to the city of brotherly love, Philadelphia in 1723. Franklin also helped in the in the first public library, fire department and organized the first college in Philly. Benjamin Franklin was a very intelligent man at a very early age and earned that a human can work and do an activity on only five and a half hours. He also believed in not rushing to get something and to just let time help do something. …show more content…

The three virtues that stood out to me or in a way a virtue that I do unknowingly, where that of Temperance, Resolution, Silence. Temperance is: Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation which means that do not eat to where you are to full and you can’t do anything and drink not to elevation means that drink alcohol but not to drunkenness. Resolution as described by Franklin is perform what you ought to do and perform without failure. Silence on of my favorite ones is to speak not what may benefit you which is like not talking to anyone. Those are just three of the thirteen that Benjamin has talked about in becoming a better

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