Benefits Of The Mediterranean Diet

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How the Mediterranean Diet Beats High Blood Pressure

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People who live along the Mediterranean Sea don't follow a low-fat diet ... yet, they have lower blood pressure and less risk of heart attack. Why?

Keywords: high blood pressure, Mediterranean diet, heart attack, natural whole foods, fats, olive oil, fish, fruits, vegetables

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The Mediterranean diet is not some new fad diet ... dreamed up by a weight-loss "guru" or as a new health measure. It is thousands of years old. People living along the Mediterranean Sea have been eating a natural diet ... that has been proven in numerous studies to reduce the risk of heart attack and keep blood pressure from rising.

The great thing about the Mediterranean diet is ... it's a pleasure to eat and you're much more likely to stick with it. It's easy to adopt this diet as there are no special requirements. Unlike the radical requirements of many fad diets, the Mediterranean diet doesn't ask you to make impractical changes in your eating ... it offers you a way of eating that you can maintain long-term. It will lead you to long-term health benefits. …show more content…

natural whole foods are a large part of the diet. Fruits and vegetables, fish, nuts, and olive oil are the heavy hitters in protecting your heart and lowering your blood pressure. Drinking wine with meals is an old custom ... and gives even more health benefits.

The Mediterranean diet doesn't look at all fats as bad. Instead, this way of eating makes wise choices in the fats that are used. Low in saturated fat ... the Mediterranean diet is full of healthy omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats.

Since mainly whole foods are eaten along the Mediterranean Sea ... the deadly trans-fats -- found in fast foods and bakery goods -- are greatly reduced.

~ Living on a Sea Gives you Lots of Fish

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