Benefits Of Reverse Crunches

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Reverse crunches work the muscles in the lower part of your abdomen, which is an area where many people, and especially women, have a belly pooch. Although this exercise won't spot reduce fat, it can strengthen and tone your abs. This is beneficial, because as part of your core, strong abs can improve your posture, athletic performance, balance and stability, while also alleviating lower back pain. (See References 1)
Reverse Crunch Muscle Activation

Although the reverse crunch is often referred to as a lower abdominal exercise, there is no such thing as lower abdominals. The muscle that's referred to is the rectus abdominis at the front of your waistline. It stabilizes your body during abdominal exercises, and engages when you bend sideways or bring your rib cage and pelvis together. (See References 2) During reverse crunches, you emphasize the lower part of this muscle, while also engaging your your obliques at the sides of your waist and your hip flexors. (See References 3, p. 124)
Reverse Crunch Exercise Form

Basic reverse crunches are done while lying face up on the floor wit...

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