Benefits Of Not Going To College

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Overall 65.9% of high school graduates go to college. Many people believe that if you don’t go to college then you’re not going to make any money and end up working at McDonald’s for the rest of your life; however, this is an incorrect notion and you do not actually need college. In fact, college can actually turn out to be the wrong path for you. The point of going to college is to get a degree so that you can acquire the job you desire and make good money. However, college is a lie and chances are that you won’t attain your dream job or even a job at all. According to an annual study conducted by the consulting firm Accenture, 84% of graduates from the class of 2014 expected to find a job in their field of choice. The reality of this is …show more content…

Ironically, there are many benefits of not going to college and joining the workforce straight out of high school. If you surmise to not go to college then you won’t have to cope with student debts and you can immediately identify a job and begin to make money. Within the first year of working you’ll be making around 30,000 dollars a year and even afford your own place. Going to college can be hindrance to your precious time which can be used to make yourself rich. For example there are many people in the world with no college degrees but are making more than most people with college degrees. Jay-z, Kim Kardashian, Bill Gates, Al Pacino, and Kanye …show more content…

As a matter of fact student loans can cost up to 30,000 dollars, and possible even more depending on the college you attend. Research has shown the average amount of time it takes to reimburse a student loan takes 10-years and that’s just for a regular degree. A bachelor's degree takes an average of 20-years to completely pay off. Ask yourself, do you want to be in your forties paying off a student loan you took out when you were twenty? All things considered, although you have to go through a lot of trouble just to complete college, studies show that or 80% of college graduates make 1 million dollars more in their life-time than a high school graduate. Looking at that number, that almost sounds like college is worth it, however, there is a consequence. Many college students suffer from over-stressing and depression from the fear of not passing a class or feeling as if they chose the wrong major. As if that doesn’t sound horrible enough you will need to balance schoolwork and a job at the same

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