Benefits Of Lifelong Learning Essay

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Lifelong learning is beneficial because of the manifestation of learning to this point in my life and how beneficial it has been to the growth and development of me as a woman. As I continue to live, I have the ability to learn, and as I learn I can better understand applying working knowledge of skills and lessons taught to the betterment of my life. Education has many advantages and it does outweigh the disadvantages. I believe becoming a student of life will not only benefit me, but others as well through practical application. As long I am living, I have the ability to learn. The way that the world is living now, I do not have a reason why I should not further my education. The world is living and relying on technology to get us where we want to be or should I say where they want us to be? Everywhere I go, whether it is at a game, restaurant, or maybe even church, I see everyone heads down, using their cell phones. I am not surprised to see …show more content…

Many jobs salary pay are based upon job experiences, skills, and even degrees. In other words, if two people are going to apply for the same, your degree and experiences will cause a differential in the pay . Living in society today, it is very expensive and every penny counts that you work for. So therefore, people are going back to get better pay on their jobs. Going back to college to further your education is very beneficial, not to just you but families as well. Also furthering your education will help you out in the long run of your future. Many jobs are quick to hire people for a certain amount of days that they need you, then let you go afterwards. I believe getting your degree in a career that you really love will not make it so hard keeping a job. As a matter of fact, that is why I am aiming for the stars and trying very hard advance in the nursing field to get my Registered Nurse

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