Benefits Of Facebook On Facebook

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Facebook can be a wonderful tool for communicating with friends, but should you befriend work colleagues on Facebook? Yes, you may get on really well with certain colleagues but there are things you may want to consider before sending or accepting a Facebook friend request.

Are your work colleagues really your friends?
You might get on with them and you may like them, but would you be friends with them if you didn’t work with them? When it comes to social networks, Facebook is seen as the most social of all; people tend to happily share their personal photos, likes and dislikes, relationship status, political and religious views and conversations with other friends. Before sending or accepting a friend request take a step back and consider …show more content…

If colleagues really do want to connect with you online via a social network, why not ask them to connect with you on LinkedIn or follow you on Twitter instead? LinkedIn is specifically designed to connect work associates and clients and is much ‘less social’ than Facebook.

A few more things to consider…
Many companies have a social media policy which gives guidelines for the appropriate use of all means of communication on the internet, including to your own or someone else’s blog, chat rooms, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, Instagram, etc. You are entirely responsible for what you post online. Before posting anything online, think about whether it will affect your company or your colleagues. If the company is a subject of the content you are creating, be clear and open about the fact that you are an employee and clarify that your views do not represent those of the company. If your post is seen to be damaging to the company (e.g. you disclose trade secrets such as the development of a new product) or is offensive, disrespectful, malicious or threatening then you may face disciplinary action from your

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