Benefits Of Extrinsic Motivation In Healthcare Organizations

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Healthcare organizations need their employees to be dynamic transferring knowledge to be efficient. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation may support tacit knowledge transfer considering that, in this kind of organizations, motivation is a very important factor to retain valuable employees. The purpose of this proposal is to, show that Extrinsic and Intrinsic rewards has positive effects on the organization efficiency thus, gaining a higher retention rate in quality employees and overall moral of the organization.
Motivation within any organization enhances the ability for employees to work together efficiently. This form of performance is essential to efficient management. Thus, health care managers are motivated to maximize …show more content…

50). They are usually tangible and visible rewards such as Fringe Benefits.
Fringe Benefits are the extra facilities provided to the employees such as company's car, free life/ health insurance, Pension plan etc. Or Profit sharing which is when a company rewards its employees by sharing the profit with it employees. Furthermore, companies can provide “in house training” to meet the growing demands of their facilities and provide employees further training and promotion to higher positions within the company.
Most individuals desire more from their jobs than simple extrinsic compensation. They may be motivated by numerous factors such as a pleasant work environment where they can apply all their capacities. and collaborate with diverse individual with different work backgrounds. Working in an environment of mutual respect, the possibility of experiencing feelings of accomplishment and self-respect when they perform well. These are the nonphysical rewards these awards are known as Intrinsic …show more content…

56). They cannot be seen or touched but are emotionally connected with employees. These are related to the job performance. these can be, Praise from the Senior staff, this is one of the motivating factor for the employees. Work freedom- The freedom that employees receives to make their own decisions and work as per their schedule is also a form of intrinsic reward and recognition. It is rewarding for the employees when they are recognized by the co-workers.
One of the best motivational strategies in an organization is 'Trust'. Trust is a motivational strategy is suitable for this organization especially dealing in the healthcare setting. This is one of the most important aspect in any organization and it is a two-way street. Employees wants to know that their managers are looking out for their best interest. This motivates them to succeed. In turn, leaders also want to know that they can trust their employees and be able to communicate effectively with each individual and foster positive relationship.

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