Benefits Of Best Buy

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Best Buy operates in an oligopolistic market where there are significant barriers to entry and few large firms dominate the market by selling identical goods. Best Buy is a non-collusive oligopolist, existing in a strategic environment where firms do not cooperate, yet are interdependent due to the fact that a firm’s action affects the market. Recently, Best Buy experienced an increase in demand, increasing its revenues and profits. Figure 1: Costs, Revenues, and Profits of Best Buy Due to the fact that Best Buy is non-collusive, they face a kinked demand curve that ultimately determines the firm’s relative market share. The demand curve consists of an elastic and inelastic portion. Oligopolies avoid both portions, where in the elastic portion, competitors keep prices low to steal customers, and the inelastic portion where price war occurs since competitors also lower prices, resulting in no gain in demand. The consumer demand for electronics grew, leading the demand curve to shift right as shown in Figure 1. Therefore, there is an increase in total revenue(P•Q=TR) of 1% to $8.53 billion as well as abnormal profit from area a to area a+b(a x 1.12), 12% rise in earnings. Best …show more content…

In Figure 2, Amazon’s ATC is less than Best Buy’s ATC. Since ATC is the sum of AFC(average fixed costs) and AVC(average variable costs), Best Buy’s costs are higher than other online stores. Best Buy operates several branches which consists of explicit costs(rents and taxes), so their abnormal profit is smaller, represented by area x, whereas Amazon has lower ATC, enabling them to sell at a lower price, resulting in greater abnormal profit of x+y. Though in the short run online store competitors experience a loss in market share(due to Best Buy’s increase in market share), they have an advantage in the long run due to lower

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