Benefits Of Being Healthy In College Essay

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Staying healthy in college is not an easy feat. Between classes, studying, homework, meetings and maintaining a social life, students often forget to maintain their health. Developing healthy habits will not only help you avoid the “Freshman 15”, but it will also help pave the way for a healthier future. Here are a few tips to help students stay healthy. Diet It is important to pay careful attention to your diet. First, start your day off right by eating a healthy breakfast, no matter what time you wake up. Next, limit the sugary and caffeinated beverages, and junk food you intake. This doesn’t mean you have to completely give up sweets and coffee, just scale back in order to keep yourself in good shape. To satisfy your sweet cravings, try …show more content…

You can bring a friend along to the gym (most schools provide a free facility for students), take a fitness course, play a sport, or ride your bike. Even walking to class will give you a chance to burn some easy calories. No matter what sport of activity you participate in, make sure to always use proper safety equipment. Furthermore, help yourself avoid injuries by stretching (before and after) each time you …show more content…

First and foremost, don’t do anything you’re not comfortable with. It’s your body and you are in charge, don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. If you are nervous or uncomfortable with any element of your sexual relationship, discuss this with your partner. Moreover, ALWAYS use protection to prevent contracting any STDs or other diseases, and get tested regularly (most schools offer these test for free or at a low cost). If you’re a female, it is important you get breast exams, pap smears, and HPV vaccinations, to minimize the risk of cancer. Make sure to educate yourself and talk to someone you trust to stay healthy and

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