Benefits Of Almonds

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Summary Almonds are tasty and healthy snacks that are capable of increasing intellectual ability. Almonds are a healthy treat and it possesses several health benefits. It is one of the most beloved nuts of humans and it is consumed in different ways. Almond oil, almond butter, almond milk and almond flour are different forms of almonds. It is sprinkled over desserts in its crushed form to make it tastier. Almonds are a power packed with high calories but in spite of that, it helps people to reduce their weight. About The scientific name of Almond is Prunusdulcis and it is a fruit of the deciduous tree. Almonds are rich in calories and are covered with a brown hard shell. Brown hard shell is removed first to make it ready to eat. Sweet and …show more content…

Help in increasing brain activity – Almonds are very good for boosting brain health. They are instrumental in giving you good intellectual level and protect you against diseases like Alzheimer’s. Studies show that it contains two nutrients namely riboflavin and L-carnitine which help in brain development and also help in increasing brain activity. Almonds are a highly nutritional nut which contains many essential nutrients. It also boosts the functioning of the neurological system and helps in the development of new neurons in the brain. Studies show that consumption of overnight soaked almonds is much better than eating it raw. Almond oil is also very good for …show more content…

Good for skin and hair health – Almonds are very good for skin as they help in nourishing the skin. Almonds are rich in Vitamin – E that help in moisturizing your skin and it also prevents the occurrence of various skin diseases like acne, pimple etc. Consumption of almonds on daily basis helps you to maintain a clear and glowing skin. Studies also show that almonds help in lightening the complexion of your skin. Almonds are also very good for hair health. People apply almond oil to their hair in order to strengthen their hair. Studies prove that almonds help in making hair strong, healthy and dark. It prevents your hairs against going grey, frizzy and damaged. It also helps people who are having a dandruff

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