Ben Carson Drifted Hands Book Report

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Ben Carson with Cecil MurpheyGifted Hands The Ben Carson Story

The book is about a kid who grew up in a harsh area, in other words a “ghetto”. The books starts out when Ben is in fifth grade when he is failing all his classes because he couldn’t see anything without glasses that his family couldn’t afford. But after Ben got glasses he became the smartest student in all his classes. He was a very smart and good student until he reached the beginning of high school. When he entered the ninth grade year he began to be embarrassed of his social standing because people would “cap” on him and also because he wore old clothes. He was in this period until the middle of the 10th grade when his mom and the ROTC straightened him out. After that he graduated high school and attended college at Yale. While at Yale he had money problems and barely had enough money to survive. He graduated and married his wife Cookie and became a neurosurgeon. He his known as one of the top neurosurgeons …show more content…

Though there also could be incidents that are left out that should be in the book but other than that I rate the book very well. In some situations the character came to life but in other situations they didn’t like dreaming about a test I knew I would fail because of not preparing for it but still passing because I dreamed of the answers felt a bit unrealistic.

The story was believable. The characters seemed very realistic and the situations were seemed very believable. For example, the mother never letting her kids fail and always pushing hoping their kids to do the best and sacrificing herself for them. Other incidents of other people making fun of people I see practically everyday among others.

A passage from the book that appealed to me was about how people tend to blame others of problems that they caused or outcomes, which are their own fault. This passage

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