Belonging to a Group

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As mammals, humans share the same traits as wolves. We feel the need to form packs as an inherent part of life. I think this feeling derives from years of solitary confinement and the lack of individuals to comfort you through your times of need. This could both be beneficial and a hindrance. If you are not accepted into a group, your self-esteem plummets beyond despair and you begin to deem yourself unworthy. Social status in this world means everything. It is the so called ‘friends’ who aid in this bittersweet process. They encourage that which should not be encouraged. They promote distasteful ideas because in turn, it was the same way for them. The only way to influence is to be influenced. Instead of cultivating your own idea, you take on the opinions of others and you make this your belief. Furthermore, when something contradicts with this belief, you make it your mission to mindlessly defend it while regurgitating what you’ve been told. It’s human nature. Then again, influence is not all that bad. At times it could prove inspirational. What is born from inspiration but ideas and change? You also have to take into account that most people struggle with change because it conflicts with their cognitive way of thinking. It is an idea which they are not used to when they’d rather settle for what they know. To find people with similar thinking, they turn towards the unreliable term, “friends.”
Unlike wolves, we don’t create groups in order to hunt. We can find all of our chemically induced processed foods at our local supermarkets, but instead we create groups for a less fundamental reason; that is to fit in and to be accepted. But fit in with the wrong group, and it’s a life-long onslaught of regret. This is when the quote...

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... are. If it doesn’t threaten your life, it really isn’t important. These people aren’t special, they’re just more self-aware. They care less. Ignorance can be a good thing. The less you know, the less you have to worry. Once you have a taste of friendship, it’s addicting. It’s as if it has its own mixture of nicotine. This is the reason why there are so many groups. To be a loner, you have to start a loner. This takes commitment. Your school life will become miserable and days will seem longer. This is all for the sake of escaping the falsehood that hides beneath the term friendship. If you’re kind to me, you’re kind to others. If the truth is cruelty, then kindness must be a lie. Not all lies are bad, and the truth is not always cruel. But, the majority dominates the minority. This is a fact of life. A fact that shares the bond between friendship and rivalry.

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