Being a Disciple Today

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Being a Disciple Today Jesus intended the disciples to set an example for others. He wanted them to obey the laws of God, the Ten Commandments, and spread the word of God. He also expected them to help others along the way and give what they could to others less fortunate than themselves. The cost of discipleship is great but if depend on God rather than wealth and put others first, then in the future you can gain eternal life. A disciple should not care about social position or always being number one; a disciple should put his own needs and wishes last. This is more difficult in today’s society because nowadays there is a lot more focus on money and materialism. But Jesus did not expect his disciples to be perfect. Nobody in the world is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes, even Jesus’ twelve apostles. They made mistakes and failed sometimes, but they never gave up hope: they always tried their best. In today’s world, being the type of disciple Jesus intended has many obstacles. Whether it is ambition, money, popularity, conflict, time, or a combination of these hurdles, we all have things stopping us from being the ideal disciple. Everybody needs ambition in order to move up in the world. But it does not make you less of a Christian if you have more than someone else. It is the same with all of these hurdles. However, even with these obstacles, you can still be a good disciple. As a teenager, I could be more supportive to my peers, help more in my local community and be a bit more helpful around my house. If you are rich, you can still be a true disciple by having earned your wealth honestly and by giving some of it to others. There are many examples of people in today’s world who show that it is indeed possible to be a disciple in today’s materialistic world. Mother Theresa, Oscar Romero, Gandhi; these people dedicated their heroic lives to helping people. Mother Theresa of Calcutta dedicated her whole life to helping

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