Being Tall Research Paper

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How tall would you like to be? We live in a culture that commends or even glorifies height - like it is a virtue that someone has worked towards. Height is almost completely determined by genetics - so a reward for being tall seems a little unfair, don't you think? You were born with the genes you're stuck with - and there isn't much you can do about it. Or is there? The struggle to be tall Most kids, especially boys, yearn to be tall. The short kids are the ones picked last on teams, made fun of when they can't reach things and find themselves literally looking up at girls (who grow faster than boys anyway). In elementary school, it's hard being a short kid - and that doesn't change as we get older. High school can be even more brutal for short people. Teenagers can be rude and hurtful for those who are height challenged. Reaching lockers, …show more content…

You will continue be under medical supervision by your team of professionals during the rehabilitation period. You will be able to return to some weight-bearing exercises and light sports activities just a few months after the procedure. The cost It's hard to put a price tag on something that is so personal as gaining self-confidence and well-being. Yes, height surgery is expensive and is usually not covered by insurance. On the other hand, if you become more successful and your self-esteem is increased - you may find yourself advancing in your career to make the cost seem well worth it. What are you waiting for? Consulting with an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in height surgery is the first thing to do if you are interested in gaining inches to your stature. Your surgeon will evaluate your physical and mental health to determine if you are an ideal candidate for this procedure. You should be in good health - mentally and physically, and be committed to following the directions of your trusted

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