Being Stuck Research Paper

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You think you may be stuck, or you have concluded that you are stuck. There are no physical limitations yet it seems like you are in the checkmate position. Just like in the game of chess, you can not make a move in any direction. There are many reasons for being in a place of mental immobility. It could stem from a lost of a loved one, a lost of a relationship, a lost of faith in your religious organization, a lost of confident, a lost of employment, a lost of determination or a lost of hope. This list isn’t meant to be exhaustive or to diagnose anyone. But these are some of the circumstances I’ve observed in those I’ve coached. New York Times best selling author Matthew Quick wrote “I once read that succumbing to depression doesn’t mean you are weak, but that you have been trying to be strong for too …show more content…

No, being stuck is not depression. But, being stuck can be a catalyst to aliments including depression. After reading this book and completely participating in all the activities , you will be able to move forward. If you are unable to move forward, the next step would be to see a physician for a physical exam. Whether you are running a business, a ministry, or raising a family, you could unconsciously neglect your personal health care due your busy schedule and obligations. The airlines have one thing absolutely correct in their pre-flight safety demonstration. If the cabin pressure changes, it is an emergency, the oxygen mask will become available. You must be aware of the pressure changes in your life including the actual changes in your blood pressure. A physical exam ensures wellness and good health which equal better movement and performance. The pre-flight safety demonstration continues by instructing all to put on their oxygen mask first before assisting anyone with their mask. Even if traveling with young children, you would put your oxygen mask on first. Because if you are unable to breath you are unable to help

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