Being Bullied In High School

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For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been a timid person mostly because I never felt like I could fit in at school. As a young kid in elementary and middle school, I was bullied based on my appearance. I lost all the confidence I had but I never knew that this would affect me so much in the long run. Being bullied got in the way of achieving higher in school. Whenever I was asked to present or answer a question in front of the classroom, I would pass on the opportunity to share my thoughts. I remember being asked to answer a question and I wouldn't because I feared of being wrong, yet in my head, I was always correct. I felt that my opinion never mattered so I would go on with my day and kept my ideas and opinions to myself. When you're young, you believe everything people tell you, and that's exactly what happened whilst I was being bullied in school. I was …show more content…

I participated in their 8-week long summer training, where they prepared us for a year-long internship and focused on gaining confidence through public speaking, professional, and IT skills. We worked on gaining confidence by doing weekly public speaking exercises such as speeches and presentations. At the end of each speaking exercise, we received constructive feedback to focus on the areas where we can improve. We also learned how to use Microsoft Suite properly through weekly assignments and learned about the components of a computer by identifying them with a team. Through this program, I gain confidence and motivation to continue my education after high school. I took the skills I learned during the training, such as operating Microsoft Suite, sending professional emails, public speaking, and networking, and applying them to my internship today. Through this organization, I was able to earn an internship during my senior year at

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