Behaviourism Theory Essay

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Behaviourism theory Behaviourism theory focuses on the behaviour that is observable. For behaviourism theory there is no need for internal mental processing, Acquisition of new behaviour through conditioning that occurs through interaction with the environment. For an example when the teacher ask a question the classroom to check whether the learners understand majority of learners in the classroom will raise their hands and that shows the do understand the so teacher can move to another chapter. The teaching methods that can be used for behaviourism theory are rote learning, lecturing and Drill and practice. Curriculum in behaviourism theory must organize objectives and clear outcomes. The view of learning for learners must be passive.
Behaviourism is a view that indicate that a learner is essentially passive, responding to environmental things in the world. The learner begins as a clean slate and behaviour is manner through positive or negative reinforcements. Both positive and negative reinforcements induces the probability that the antecedent behaviour will happen again. In contrast, punishment (both positive and negative) reduces the likelihood that the …show more content…

If we accept constructivist theory, then we have to give up Platonic and all subsequent realistic views of epistemology. We have to recognize that there is no such thing as knowledge "out there" independent of the knower, but only knowledge we construct for ourselves as we learn. 4 Learning is not understanding the "true" nature of things, nor is it remembering dimly perceived perfect ideas, but rather a personal and social construction of meaning out of the bewildering array of sensations which have no order or structure besides the explanations (and I stress the plural) which we fabricate for

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