Behaviorism, Functionalism and the Identity Theory

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“The universe contains only material or physical entities”, this is what materialism holds. However, the greatest challenge that goes to materialists is that of offering a plausible account of mind in a purely physical term. Therefore, some seductive analysis of mind with pure physical explanation of mental status must be suggested by materialists. There are three main theories that have been formulated to explain these scenarios.

These theories include behaviorism, functionalism and the identity theory. Like in behaviorism the theory attempts to reduce mental states into real facts about behavioral dispositions. In functionalism, which is a more complex theory, particular functional roles and mental states are identified by these functionalists. They therefore deduce that, any state responsible for an appropriate functional role is considered as a mental state; therefore, the possibility of mind is realized in substance like artificial intelligence. Lastly, the mind brain identity theory which is mostly applied by the modern materialist’s deals with the state of the brain in trying to consider some physical states associated with the mental state. The main idea in this case is that mind and brain is one and the same thing.

Behaviorism theory

This theory attempts has been considered to reduce the state of mentality into behavior. The states of the mind are nothing other than behavioral dispositions, this is according to the theory. This can best be illustrated by circumstances whereby one accompanies him or herself with an umbrella, or remove clothes from the line, or even seek shelter just on the belief that it is raining, thus, the two situations are identical.

One of the setbacks with the theory is that distinctions involv...

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...brain processes are totally different such that mental states, in a sense, cannot be reduced to brain processes for it would make no sense to say that water can be reduced to a stone. In addition, mental states are over and above physical states.

In summary, it can be deduced that most philosophical discussions relating to materialism are normally, related to physicalism. Materialism belongs to the class monist ontology. In addition, ideas related to metaphysical naturalism and methodological naturalism are also inclusive in this content. The only philosophical alternatives to materialism are some forms of idealism, monism and dualism. However, there are some scientific rejections to materialism mostly emanating from the modern science writers and physicists whose scientific findings such as the chaos theory and quantum mechanics have openly disproven materialism.

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