Before I Got My Eye Put Out Essay

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Both these stories involve darkness but they are used in 2 different ways. In the story, “We grow accustomed to the dark,” The author Dickinson’s is talking about how she is becoming accustomed to the dark.. In the story “Before I got my eye put out” she talks about how life was with vision and how she took advantage of having good sight. It shows you to not be ungrateful about stuff in your life because any second it could be gone. In this poem “before I got my eye put out” it is written in a riddle and can be hard to understand. The main purpose of this poem is the author talking about how she lost her sight and regrets taking advantage of it for so long. On lines 16-17 it says “for mine - to look at when I liked, the news would strike me dead -“. This quote is saying that she would be able to look around whenever she wanted to but when she found out she …show more content…

This poem is about the author adjusting to life after being told she was blind. She talks about the struggles and how she views life different after being blind. On lines 17-18 she says “the bravest - grope a little - and sometimes hit a tree”. In this quote the author is saying the bravest people are able to adjust to the darkness but every once in awhile they will have a little mess up or set back. I think this quote is 100% true and I really like it. The tone in the poem “before I got my eye put out” seems pretty depressing but at the same time it is kind of joyful. It is depressing because she is saying she lost her sight and is upset how she took advantage of sight. Then on the other hand it is kind of joyful because she talks about all the things she saw that would make her happy. The tone in “we grow accustomed to the dark” is serious and motivated. She is talking about how life is without sight and how she is doing he best to adjust and she’s motivated to get completely adjusted to

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