Beer Informative Speech

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Who doesn’t like a nice pint of icy cold and refreshing beer, especially here in

California, where it is so hot outside all year long. But unfortunately, not

everybody realizes how much more there is to this magnificent drink, than our

favorite Coronas on a nice summer day. Ales, porters, stouts, lagers, pilsners,

lambic, and a whole lot more different confusing names and absolutely

different flavor profiles may make your night at a brewery bar a complete

nightmare if you don’t know your beers. However, it’s never too late to learn,

become a beer expert in your group of friends. You will realize how incredibly

different every single type of beer is and what food you can pair it with for an

exceptional experience.

Beer in a nutshell is, essentially, a basic …show more content…

The only ingredient that creates the difference is yeast. But from

this relatively small variant comes a whole slew of changes that make every

type of beer so unique. Three main types that you should be familiar with are

ales, lagers and lambic.


Ales are brewed with a top-fermenting yeast that activates at mid-range room

temperatures. For this reason, ales are typically stored between 60° and 75°

Fahrenheit during the fermentation stage. This type of yeast and the fermentation

temperature is likely to give ales a fruitier and spicier flavor than lagers. In general,

ales are more robust and complex. Ales are usually ready to drink within three

weeks after the beginning of fermentation, then again, some styles get even better

from additional aging for several months or years, just like wines.

Common styles of ale include pale ale, India pale ale, amber ale, porters, and stouts.

As for pairing, it goes perfectly with all that fatty food we all love like burgers,

buffalo wings, anything fried, pizza, steaks, plus basically any Asian food and spicy

food, such as Mexican.


Lager beers are made with a certain kind of yeast that ferments at

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