Becoming Nicole By Amy Ellis: Analysis

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The book Becoming Nicole by Amy Ellis is about a young boy named Wyatt, who chooses to change his sexuality to a female who later became known by the name Nicole. Nicole triumphed a landmark discrimination in 2014, victoriously suing the Orono school district in Maine for not allowing her to use the girls restroom. Although, she sued the school there is a bigger movement in this book that happens centrally. How do you think people that are transgender and not transgender feel about the book? The book was made to support Transgenders whether or not there was a negativity in the book that is how all readers felt while reading this book. People reacted very differently to the different sexuality that the people prefer to be. People in this world need to live with an open mind and not so much negativity. Hurting, bullying, name calling, suicide, is not going to prevent transformations from male or females in the world. People are meant to have their own opinions and live their lives as they wish to or not worry about not trying to please the world or anybody else. For example, in 1965 two identical twin boys were born with penis complications which had to be treated with surgery, but the doctor had a mishap and accidentally castrated the new born . After Davids …show more content…

In this photo Nicole Maine tells her story growing up as a transgender and all the obstacles she had to confront to be accepted by all her peers and society. Nicole was born as an identical twin to her brother Jonas, but by personal preference she decided to change her sex to female which had made her turn to Nicole.

Image result for nicole maines as a boy

This picture shows Jonas and Nicole, as a full transgender at the age of

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