Becoming An Orthodontist

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There is a lot of reasons that I want to become an Orthodontist when I am an adult. An Orthodontist does many things dealing with teeth. From my research, Orthodontist put braces on patients. When a patient has braces put on it straightens up there teeth to improve their appearance. I honestly have not had any experience with teeth, but I would take the time and money to go to college to learn about it. Orthodontist have many responsibilities. They must carefully put braces on to improve the patents appearance. If done wrong, it could end badly for the patent and the Orthodontist. Orthodontist get paid a pretty good amount a year. They make an annual salary of $265,435 a year! There is also a few benefits of being an Orthodontist. Depending on how long you have worked in the business and who you are, you only have to work 2 days a week. To become an Orthodontist, you have to have a few personal qualities. One of these qualities is you have to be good with people. Being a people person is a big part of being an Orthodontist because you have to talk to your patents. Some other personal qualities is you have to have clean hands, good hygiene, and many more. The environment I would like to work in is going to be in a large …show more content…

One of the many advantages about being one, is that they make pretty good money. Another advantage is that you only have to work two days a week, depending on who you are and how long you have been in the Orthodontist business. Some disadvantages is that you have to go through 6 or more years of college. Collage is pretty expensive. Especially if you are going to Oxford. When I get out of school, my plan is to go to college. While I am in college, get two jobs that don't interfere with collage. After I get out of college, get a small house and open up my own dentist office. From all of my extra money from my monthly pay, put it in a bank account and live off of the

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