Becoming An Adult Research Paper

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A child is a precious gift that many may not experience. They play, laugh, cry, and might get on your last nerves, but somehow they make you love them even more. Watching a child grow to an adult is a phenomenon to witness, you watch them overcome their goals, fears, and their path to success. The question is when does a child really become an adult, is it when they turn 18? or is it when they learn how to manage time when going to school and a job? I believe that a child is an adult when they are prepare to face the adversity of life, when they acquire new responsibilities, and when they learn how to survive without their parents. These are signs of a child blossoming to a young adult with far more knowledge than their previous self. …show more content…

An adult will recognize when they need help and will try to resolve this problems. The paradigm of adulthood is very simple acquiring a good paying job, get a family, buy a house, and start a family. Not everybody like to be molded to this lifestyle but once you are, you have usually gained a lot of responsibility. This is when you know you become a responsible adult, when you can take care of your bills in time and can care take of your family. This is where most people have a hard time accomplishing their adulthood responsibility, failing this does not mean you are irresponsible but instead is an indication of poor judgement and probably bad time management. Learning how to live your life without your parents is crucial, you can't call your parents for every problem you have no matter the how great the consequences. This is why adulthood is such a complex ideology, your parents can give you tips that they have learned but ultimately is you who learn how to deal with everyday problems. Of course, there is no doubt that you or any child will grow into an adult but how and when they do it will vary

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