Becoming A Dance Research Paper

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It is not easy getting the courage to move to some big city like Los Angelos to try and make it as a professional dancer. Most people who do move, will come back because of how challenging it is. Making a living out of dance is not as easy as it sounds, there are many things you have to go through to make it to the top. Every dancer will go through auditions and get turned down several times, but the ones who do not give up and believe they can make it prove the doubters wrong. The best way to become a popular choreographer is networking. You want to become friends with the people at the top of the industry. Dancers will take classes nonstop to get noticed by choreographers. Social media is a huge factor in getting your name out in the dance …show more content…

A dance coach is responsible for making the team look good and making sure they growing to their full potential. I interviewed my dance coach Kristina Rios, I asked her why she became a coach and her response was “I did not become a coach because I love to dance, I did it because I love to push someone to their full potential, to see how much they can improve within a practice. I enjoy to dance but I love to coach, it is my passion”. A choreographer is different because they do not own their own team; they teach the dances to teams or have regular classes at a dance studio. A choreographer named Kenya Clay is a choreographer at millennium dance complex, she stated “I am a student before I am a teacher” meaning that there is always room to grow and learn new things. You can learn from anybody and everybody that will help improve your teaching skills as well.
I would be okay following either career, I enjoy helping others and watching them become better, at whatever it is they are attempting. That would be more of the coach side. Although a part of me likes to teach as well and meet new people. I have a creative mind that likes to try new things and I think that’s why becoming a choreographer is interesting to me. As long as I am dancing I am living my …show more content…

Its more than just being a good dancer to make a living off of dancing. Most dancers don’t get paid a lot for what they do. The thing is dancers dance because they love what they do, they don’t do it for the money. For example, the Dallas cowboy’s cheerleaders, a very known team that is very difficult to make and is very time consuming only pays an average of $150 per home game. According to more than 600 ladies will try out in hopes of making the team but only forty-five will be invited into training camp. From there they are expected to attend rehearsals every day that can be over four hours long. Keep in mind the don’t make a lot of money so most girls must get a job in order to survive. This can be difficult considering all the hours of practices, going to games, and doing special appearances or trips. Although it is not easy to be successful as a choreographer, most do it because of the passion they have for it. By watching dancers perform, it gives you a feeling that is indescribable. A dancer makes the music come alive and only dancers know the joy it brings to their body. I asked Kristina Rios what she feels like when she dances and her response was “I feel happy and stree free’. Most dancers would agree and say dance is an outlet to be free and express the way they

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