Because I Coulnd´t Stop fo Death by Emily Dickinson

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Emily Dickinson is known for her poetry especially surrounding the subjects of death, love, and nature. These themes, however, are less standard than they may appear at first glance. Dickinson writes poetry with complex themes, and in many cases, each of her poems may be classified by more than one theme. “Because I could not stop for death” is a prime example of Dickinson’s multifaceted work. Emily Dickinson personifies death along with an underlying theme of love in “Because I could not stop for death.” Within the first line of “Because I could not stop for death,” readers are already aware that the theme of death will occur throughout the poem. Rather than the standard theme of death, however, Dickinson introduces death taking on the role of a human. Additionally she implies that she is lively, because if you could stop for death than you may already be dying, but she adds that we cannot choose when we die. In the first line of the poem, the word death is capitalized suggesting even further that death could be substituted with a man’s name. Dickinson portrays death as a gentleman caller who appears in a carriage. Additionally though with an underlying theme of love, the reader can interrupt this line to be about how we cannot always stop for love. The second line of the poem, “He kindly stopped for me-“ elaborates Death as a gentlemen caller and readers can see how Dickinson carefully choose the word “kindly” to further evolve her idea. Dickinson chooses to end the stanza by saying that it is she and Death are in the carriage, along with immortality. The carriage in the poem can be taken literally, but some readers may also choose to interrupt it as a casket, which further outlines the poem’s relation to death. One of the great... ... middle of paper ... ...ltimate love affair with Death. In the final lines of this poem Dickinson states, “I first surmised the Horses' Heads, 
Were toward Eternity.” These final lines bring the poem full circle in the way they return the reader back to the first stanza, when Death shows up with his carriage. The horses drew the carriage that takes the speaker to the eternal life, she alluded to within the first lines. Through her poetry, Emily Dickinson takes her readers on a journey alongside her speaker. At the conclusion of “Because I could not stop for death,” readers have gone the entirety of the journey beginning with meeting Death to reminiscing about the details centuries later. Dickinson’s work is multifaceted and cannot be classified by just one theme. In “Because I could not stop for death,” Dickinson entices her readers with the personification of death and feelings of love.

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