Beauty: How Does The Korean Beauty Work?

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To begin with – how does the Korean beauty work? “They put their money where their mouths- and eyes- and noses used to be.” Quoted from ( Marx, 2017. Parag. 2 ). In other words, most of these women and men are forced to undergo plastic surgery and even spend loads of money on beauty products and cosmetics. Korea’s beauty standards are becoming too unrealistic and unreasonable. According to ( Ang, 2016. Parag. 1) Korea is known as a bustling hub for plastic surgery. Based on articles and experiences of young women, they even fly to Korea to get their procedures. Data from ( Marx, 2017. Parag. 2 ) the country has the highest rate of plastic surgery per capita in the world. ( Impossible ideals: The True Costs of Korea’s Beauty Standards, 2013. …show more content…

More and more audiences, k-beauty fanatics, and even beauty bloggers share their stories on how the Korean beauty changed them. Some say they have suffered eating disorders trying to fit in the ideal type. Young women would drastically alter their looks through plastic surgery. Teens would get the procedure done as soon as they set foot at the legal age. Furthermore, whitening products are also highly encouraged to be used. Young audiences risk their natural skin and even their health from taking skin enhancing supplements and vaccines. Similarly ( For Many South Koreans.., 2018. Parag.5) states the importance of having a youthful, pale, and dewy complexion for Koreans. Cited from ( The Beauty Standards in K-Pop? 2013. Parag. 2-3) Beauty standards all around the word varies from one another. Most people would do anything to reach the beauty standards set by the society. However, some would undergo the extremes just to fit in the “ideal” standards. In the K-Pop industry, some fans look up to the idols’ slim and sharp features. The industry has set an idea of “perfection” through these idols that has been adapted by audiences. These fans would feel the need to alter themselves to look as good as their idols. These may impact an individual’s confidence which can result in emotional …show more content…

Parag. 2 ) “ I tried to comfort a crying student after being called ‘mayor of Africa’ for having slightly darker skin.” “I watched my 28- year- old co-teacher starve herself.” “I saw high school students get handed pamphlets on plastic surgery.” These are just some of the real life experiences that show how young people deal with criticism. What may impact them the most is when their family members are the ones who tell them to alter their appearance. (Marx, 2015. Parag.6) says “When you’re nineteen, all the girls get plastic surgery, so if you don’t do it, after a few years, your friends will look better, but you will look like your unimproved you.” Criticisms as harsh as being told to be an “unimproved you” may destroy one’s self confidence. It can ruin people’s way of learning to live for who they really are. Women who “do not fit in” these standards would feel as if they’re outcasts due to the constant criticism. (Park, 2017. Parag.16-18) of her father seeing her as obese despite having a healthy body. Koreans perceive “stick-thin” bodies as the ideal body figure. They may set harsher body and beauty standards for women. Some would be forced to go on extreme diets, such as eating only an apple, a sweet potato, and a protein shake a day, from (The IU diet and her weight loss explained, 2017. Parag.3). Many young women experience bullying in their everyday lives just because of how the way they

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