Beauty Essay: The Destruction Of Beauty

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PLAN: actual editorial starts at the next Destruction of beauty title on page 2.

Destruction of natural beauty - Women obsessed with beauty, but its really destroying the natural beauty

Spending millions of dollars to achieve; Straight hair, skinnier body (thigh gap) - tumblr due to extreme dieting and extremes leading to bulimia and anorexia. plastic surgery, botox eg nose, face lifts - let age continue gracefully. tanning, dyeing hair, contacts, boob jobs, implants, fake lashes, lighter skin, as simple as buying clothes that you would never wear just to fit in, tighter clothes. Too fake can give of the impression of being materialistic.

skinnier body (thigh gap) - tumblr due to extreme dieting and extremes leading to bulimia and anorexia

Influenced by social media, culture, relationships. Quite a bit of research has tried to determine how many seconds it takes before a person forms a judgment of someone they meet. Their brains calculate your value in terms of age, social standing and how approachable you are within thirty seconds or less. Princeton psychologists Janine Willis and Alexander Todorov say first impressions are formed in less than a tenth of a second. We want to impress, make good first impressions to satisfy not only ourselves but other people. But you want to find someone who truly falls in love with the real you? Unravels.

there are all these posts saying accept your body when youre overweight, but none

Back in the cave man days, skinnier girls were considered malnourished and unhealthy. Not saying that being lean is bad, but to curvier girls who think it is the absolute ‘ideal’ and go through extreme measures like not eating and plastic surgery to achive a a thin build. curly was was the ‘thing’ wante...

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...nly to ruin what’s left of a beautiful past and shattered mirrors in front of you.

Stories of people spending millions of dollars to look like what they think is considered ‘beautiful’. For example Jocelyn Wildenstein, known as the “Cat Woman” who spent reportedly $4,000,000 to elicit a more catlike look to please her husband who liked big cats. What she got done:
Despite the unusual appearance of the plastic surgeries, Ms. Wildenstein is reported to be "ecstatic with her work. She feels beautiful. She looks in the mirror and she loves what she sees. She got exactly what she wanted."

straight hair curly hair

women who bleached skin and children (tyra) tumblr thigh gap - body image


Your mother was always the one to tell you how beautiful you are, the magazines tell you to accpet yourself, why arent these enough? In your head it didn't matter.


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