The Beat-Up Generation By Abby Ellin

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The 21st century has brought great change and advancement in all aspect of life for mankind across the world. From the creation of high-tech gadgets to innovative ways of basic living, millennials have had a huge engagement in the works of creating such things. They have brought change and advancement through ways in which mankind has never seen before. On the contrary, past generations believe that Millennials are bringing negativity and corruption into the world. The article "The Beat-Up Generation" by Abby Ellin says that " Millennials are, arguably, the most reviled generation in recent history, and armies of consultants are hustling to decipher them. Called the "Trophy Generation," notorious for receiving prizes simply for showing up, …show more content…

Millennials are the first generation in the history of mankind that has such advancement of technology that can connect two humans anywhere in world face to face through a phone to being able to assist in the basic function controls of a household to having a plethora amount of social media platforms to freely express who they are. Millennial writer David Bernstein says that Millennials are "The first generation that is a global generation." The article "The Beat-Up Generation" by Abby Ellin says that " Millennials are no more spoiled or cantankerous than any other generation; they're just solving their basic needs for community and communication differently from anyone before them." DIY videos, also known as do it yourself videos, is one of many new trends Millennials have created to show simple tips and tricks to make life a little easier. From showing unique ways of cooking to tricks on how to create clothing, I have seen Millennials bright ideas come to life. Not only Millennials are finding ways to improve their own social life and interactions, Millennials are genuinely helping others around them. In an educational argument called "Millennials Don't Stand a Chance", Millennial writer David Bernstein says that " 75% of millennials have given to charity" and " overwhelming majority of people in this generation actually say they would take a job that pays them less money if they could have more impact in that work." Millennials at my high school are all about giving back to others through community service and going out of their own comfort zones in order to impact more people and make a difference. In the same educational argument, Millennial Jessica Grosse says "And the percentage of college freshman believing that it's essential or for very important to help people in need is

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