Be A People Person: Effective Leadership Through Effective Relationships By John C. Maxwell

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In Be a People Person: Effective Leadership through Effective Relationships by John C. Maxwell, he helps you discover and develop the qualities of an effective people person. He tells you how to improve your relationships in every aspect of life, understand and help overcome differences and personality traits that can cause friction, inspire others to excellence and success. Maxwell unseals this discussion by looking at qualities in a person that are an attraction to others. He tells how to feel comfortable with people and how to become a person that people will want to follow. As Maxwell discusses the material, he shows that the secret is discovered when we invest in the lives of other people. This can include loving problematic people, and managing criticism sometimes. In each situation, Maxwell gives ideas so that the person who reads this can be confident of achievement. The book is designed well and the material is described in a way that the reader can easily comprehend. Many steps are given with the reassurance that if they are followed the person who reads this can achieve his or her goal of becoming a people person. His examples make the book interesting because some are humorous. Each chapter ends with a section called “Put It to Work”. In this section, he summaries people principles discussed in the chapter and gives an assignment so the reader can put the principles into practice. The person who desires to develop his or her ability to influence others in leadership will benefit from reading this book. It offers many suggestions and tips for improving relationship skills. The discussion about “Five Ways You Want Others to Treat You” was very interesting. Maxwell stated, “The happiest people are those who have... ... middle of paper ... can handle that kind of power. The reader is encouraged to write out “five questions I hope no one ever asks me”. Then the reader is conducted to “List four questions that will address your weaknesses” and then to obtain someone who will help him or her to be accountable in those areas of weakness. Finally, the person reading is supposed to ask, “Have I lied about any of the previous four questions or have I intentionally left out anything?” This is a sample of the powerful advice that guides the reader in his journey to become a “people person”. This book was very good and useful. Many of the instructions that were given can be applied to anyone’s everyday life especially to those that work with people all of the time. I really enjoyed reading this book. I’ve learned many things, and I plan on applying the skills discussed in this book whenever I need to.

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