Bbq Grills

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Today I want to talk about BBQ chicken and the effects of using different types of grills. Barbequing chicken is practically an art because you have to make sure the fire is hot enough to cook the chicken. Another thing you have to watch is that the sauce burns very easily. So being able to control you fire is essential. You can choose either a gas grill or charcoal grill. The analysis of the gas and charcoal grills is the main part of this paper. Controlling the heat of the barbeque is essential. Some people like to use gas grills which afford a constant temperature for as long as you want to cook. Other people are very fanatical about using charcoal because it brings out the authentic grilling experience. They feel it has a better taste than gas grills. Charcoal is harder to control. Another problem with charcoal is that if all the charcoal burns out, you have to restart the fire so you lose some cooking time and it is harder …show more content…

This will help minimize the time the sauce is on the fire and lessen the likely hood of it burning. As the beginner becomes more proficient, you will figure out how to stack the briquettes to control your heat and you will be able to cook with sauce from the beginning. Nothing is better than a slow cooked chicken with caramelized sauce. As you can see, there is a lot of things to analyze if you want a decent BBQ chicken. Firstly we analyzed the differences of using the gas grill versus the charcoal grill and the pros and cons of each. Then we discussed how grills flavor the chicken, and how easy it is to maintain a constant heat. Next, you need to know how your heat interacts with your sauce, and how each type of grill can be sued for the best result. Lastly, know how the grills are used in relation to the cooking time needed. These are all things a cook will need to decide to make great BBQ

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