Baz Luhrmann and Franco Zeffirelli's Interpretation of Act I Scene VI When Romeo and Juliet Meet

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Baz Luhrmann and Franco Zeffirelli have both made productions of Romeo

and Juliet. Baz Luhrmann's version is very modern but still uses the

old text. This film was made in 1997. Franco Zeffirelli sets his film

with old looking sets and uses the old text. This film was made in the

1970's. Both films are set in Verona but the sets are very different.

Franco Zeffirelli's seems to be set in Italy, with small stone roads.

Baz Luhrmann's version however has large open spaces, hot weather and

large beaches, this give the impression of it being set in the USA.

In the first part of the scene the Capulet's mansion is the setting

for a party. In the Baz Luhrmann version the hall is quite big, the

main feature is the staircase, it is the biggest thing in the room and

looks very expensive, this give an idea of how rich the Capulet's are.

The room is bright but not overpowering, and often things are in a

little shadow to make them stand out and look like they always are

there and not just for the party to be shown off. Money is shown a lot

with large painting on the walls and the fish tank is also very big.

The Capulet's are showing money by having large things in their house.

This gives the impression of things happening all the time, fury and

bad things happening. In the Franco Zeffirelli version the hall looks

bigger but less extravagant, it does not have main feature or any

possessions on show. As it is set in the past it looks very mediaeval

with stonewalls and floors. The setting is very mellow which give the

impression of life and love and the future.

The lighting in each of the productions is very important, because it

is a party lot...

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...with other characters, it is more believable

and doesn't look like they have a script, they just seems to be going

with the flow of the romance. Over all I think that Baz Luhrmann has

interpreted Act I Scene VI the most effectively; he shows things in

more detail, the romance seems real between Romeo and Juliet and not

just following a script, things are pointed out that the audience

would not understand more than in the Franco Zeffirelli version. The

props, sound and lighting help make it very effective and clear, the

lighting points out thing that the audience should look at and the

props make the scene look more magical and romantic. The way the scene

has been directed gives the feeling that something bad will happen but

the love between Romeo and Juliet is so strong that they may pull

through anything that happens.

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