Baudelaire Mansion: Cause And Effect

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Cause Effect 1. The three Baudelaires, Sunny, Klaus, and Violet, became orphans when their parents died in the fire that took the Baudelaire Mansion. The orphans were placed in the care of evil Count Olaf, then Uncle Monty, who was murdered by Count Olaf. 2. Count Olaf will do anything possible to get the Baudelaire fortune, which was left to Violet, who will manage it when she is older. The Baudelaires always keep an eye out for him, and have so far found some way to escape his master plans. 3. Dr. Montgomery Montgomery (Uncle Monty) was murdered by Count Olaf. The Baudelaires went to Lake Lachrymose to live with their Aunt Josephine, whom they didn’t know. 4. Mr. Poe manages the Baudelaire fortune, and places them in the best care possible. …show more content…

They compared Aunt Jo’s grocery list to the note. The note was written in the same handwriting as Aunt Josephine, so they went down to town with Mr. Poe, who they had called. Captain Sham was going to adopt them. 25. The children were allergic to peppermints, and they still had the bag of them. Captain Sham, Mr. Poe, and the children met at the restaurant in town, “The Anxious Clown”. The food was terrible. 26. The children needed to buy themselves some time to figure things out. They ate the peppermints, and convinced Mr. Poe to let them get a cab and go home alone. 27. Klaus figured out that the mistakes in the note sent a message. He put the mistakes together, and it spelled “Curdled Cave”. 28. The children found an atlas of Lake Lachrymose under Aunt Jo’s bed. They stole a boat from “Captain Sham Sailboats” and sailed to Curdled Cave. 29. They found Aunt Jo in Curdled Cave. They convinced her to leave by telling her it was for sale and that there would be realtors. 30. The boat was being attacked by leeches, because Aunt Jo had eaten a banana. Violet had to find a way to send a signal to other boats for help. 31. Captain Sham saw the signal. He came to rescue the children and Aunt Jo. 32. He desperately wanted the Baudelaire

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