Battle Of Little Big Horn Essay

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The Battle of Little Big Horn (June 25, 1876- Southern Montana) occurred due to a couple of factors. Prior to the war, westward expansion and the United States government forced Native Americans to reside in lands the white Americans deemed unfavorable/ barely inhabitable, due to its dry conditions. An 1867 treaty promised Native Americas land in Dakota to live, and roam. Unfortunately, gold was discovered in the Black Hills of their Dakota Territory, prompting settlers and miners to trespass on Native American land. In 1875, due to the discovered gold, the United States government tried to purchase that land from the Native Americans, and they refused. This angered the government. As retaliation, the government sent their 7th Calvary, led by General Custer, to remove the Native Americans from the land. Little did General Custer know that the Sioux and Cheyenne (led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse), collaborated against his troops. General Custer undermined the Native Americans, because …show more content…

This all began because of Native American “Ghost Dance”. While on the reservations, the Sioux began to believe that the gods were punishing them, so the “Ghost Dance” movement began to spread within the reservation. Participants of the Ghost Dance would be so involved, that the frightened American agents on the reservation informed the government about a possible Sioux uprising. This prompted the government to send the 7th Calvary to intervene and gather the Sioux at Wounded Knee. Although there are conflicting accounts as to what took place, it is agreed that on December 29, 1890, a fight broke out between both sides. It is believed that a gun shot from the Sioux’s side initiated the shooting, but what is known is that at the end of it all, about 200 Sioux Indians tragically lost their lives. (Wounded Knee,

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