Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mom, By Amy Tan

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From the second a child is born the mother has the maternal sense to protect her daughter. The two books, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom by Amy Chua and The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan talk about two mother-daughter relationships as Chinese-Americans. The tone given by Amy Chua’s writing seems normal to most american families while Amy Tan’s tone is bitter and intense. The mothers mentioned have differing reactions to their children. In the excerpt “The Violin”, Amy Chua writes about her reaction as a mother in a stressful situation. The daughter who is practicing her violin seems to not be playing it right and her mother is trying to help. The mother is trying her best but both the daughter and mother are becoming very frustrated with each other. Like most mothers when Amy Chua’s daughter does not listen she becomes annoyed. Irony is eventually built up when Chua yells “RELAX” to her daughter since the daughter should be relaxed but can not relax with her mother yelling in her ear (Chua 47-48). Even though the two are in a fight, it is seen the two are close because the daughter uses the term “mommy” instead of mother, “Stop it, Mommy. Just stop it” (Chua 47-48). The passage proves the relationship between the mother, Amy Chua, and her daughter is normal compared to most mother-daughter relationships of occasionally …show more content…

The passage gives off an intense tone as Amy Tan and her mother have had many issues. Tan states “I was sobbing by now, looking at her bitterly”, the adjective “bitterly” expresses the tension that has been building up between the two (Tan 141-142). Amy Tan’s hatred for her mother is stronger than ever in this moment for she even states “Then I wish I weren’t your daughter” (Tan 141-142). As the passage goes on, the tone becomes full of hatred and the mother-daughter relationship proves to be dreadful and

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