Batman Hero

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Throughout my life, I have been a fan of Batman. Ever since I first discovered the character when I watched his animated series as a child, I have been obsessed with him. Hours of my childhood were spent watching him solve mysteries and fighting villains on television. As a child, I loved the costumes that he wore, the villains that he fought, and the gadgets that he used. However, today I love him for another reason. I love Batman because he has impacted me more than any other superhero has.
Initially, Batman began to have an impact on my life when I sought out his origin. As a child, I did not know it, the episodes of the animated series that I watched never told it. However, when I began to read the comics, I learned that he was born into …show more content…

At the beginning of his career, Batman murdered his enemies. This early interpretation of the character disgusts me. As I grew up, I admired a man, who strived to save all life including those of his enemies. The definitive Batman in my eyes respects life so much that he will not destroy one. If he disregarded a life for a single moment, he would lose both the aspect of himself that I admire and that I feel makes him a hero. Anyone can wear a costume and kill criminals; a hero saves the lives of others. Heroes inspire people to make the world a better place. I aspire to be like Batman, However, a murderer is not something I want to …show more content…

When, I first considered the vulnerability of the character I thought that he was inferior to Superman. I thought since Batman had no powers that he was weak. Though, now I see him more heroic than Superman. I know that any invincible person can fight crime without fear of danger because they know they cannot lose their life. In contrast, Batman not knows that he can easily die, but he continually risks his life to save people. This makes him more heroic in my eye because unlike heroes like Superman he actively sacrifices his safety to be a hero. I also find I cannot connect to him because I am not invisible. Both he and I can bleed, cry, and feel pain. As, I analyze this the view I had of Batman being fictional disappear, and I see him as a human like me. To me, his humanity makes me think of him as inferior to anyone. Instead, it helps me view him as heroic figure, and relate to

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