Bathsheba's Moral Failure

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The Bible tells us in Proverbs 27:20 (author’s interpretation), “The eyes of man are never satisfied, and hell is never full.” King David was a great King, and he loved God with all his heart, but his flesh was weak. He carried a lustful spirit in his heart. King David had multiple wives when he saw Bathsheba from the roof top, and still he was not satisfied. Instead of David turning away from temptation, he indulged, and the act of adultery was birthed. King David and Bathsheba’s decision to indulge in sexual intercourse brought forth a whirlwind of issues, from an unexpected pregnancy, to the brutal murder of her husband Uriah, and the untimely death of their first born son. Unfortunately, they did not think about the consequences …show more content…

King David’s power and authority gave him a sense of entitlement that he can have whatever he wants. Therefore, he willing sleep with Bathsheba, even after finding out that she was the wife one of his royal guards. Peter Rutter is an advocate for bringing sexual misconduct to light in the office of the clergy, and professionals who commit sexual misconduct. After performing numerous of interviews, he was “amazed at how easily well respected men of power could repeatedly sexually exploit women without being discovered” (Grenz & Bell, 2001, p. 17). This previous statement is perfect reflection of David; he went through extreme lengths of covering up the affair. The Bible tells us the only one that knew was Prophet Nathan, and that only occurred because God revealed it to him (2 Samuel …show more content…

There are several stories in the Bible that speak of men and women committing sexual immorality, and in the 21st century it still continues. One significant difference in King David’s story is that he was a King, and could have any single woman he wanted, but he chose a married woman. It reminds me of the story of Adam and Eve, when God told Adam that they were not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, or surely they would die (Genesis 2:17). There were multiple trees in the garden, and one forbidden one, in relation to King David, there were several woman in the Kingdom, and the married ones were forbidden, and he still choose to be disobedient like Adam and Eve, and the world and the kingdom of Israel suffered grave consequences.
Temptation is not irresistible. The Bible tells us in James 1:14, “Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away.” “Not only can you be tempted, you can get the victory (Towns, 2009, 272). Furthermore, 1 Corinthians 10:13

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