Basketball's Influenced My Life

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Walking on the court, dressed for practiced, knowing that this was a sacred place where I could show everyone who I really was without facing any type of judgement. Basketball had the ability to take all my insecurities aside and showcase the leader that I had the potential to be not only on the court, but in life. This sport shaped me to be a determined, committed, confident, reliable, coachable and happy individual. After being at the collegiate level, my life changed and I was lost. Graduating from California State University of Monetery Bay with a B.A. in Sociology was a great accomplishment. After coming home, I decided to continue with a seasonal position at Pacific Coast Producers and start coaching at my old high school. Coaching …show more content…

Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 The devotion explained that God wants us to seek our dreams whatever they might be. Sometimes we have a hard time listening to our desires because of practicality and we have doubts. These doubts are so loud in our heads, but God wants us to hear His whisper. He wants us to know that if we do what he is telling us, he will provide for us. I believe that God was whispering to me that I need to get motivated and find the person I once was. Sports have been a major part of my life and I knew that they had to continue being a part of it. While job searching, the careers that sparked my interests were athletic coordinator and recreation coordinator, but I did not meet their requirements. Yes, I have an extensive background playing sports, refereeing, and coaching but they were seeking someone with an education in sports management. The search was on to find a program that would best fit my needs and that’s when I found Azusa Pacific University. The Leadership Program seemed to be the best option for me and then I contacted a friend who has been working in the field I was interested to get his opinion on the program. He gave me his blessing and said go for it. I believe that applying to this program is God’s whisper to me, so that I can obtain my

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