Basketball Goals

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If someone were to ask you what your favorite Christmas present ever was, what would you say? If someone was to ask me, I would have to say my basketball goal when I was about 7 years old. I made my dad help me set it up outside that day and I shot baskets for at least four hours in the cold that day. That was the day I really fell in love with basketball. I started playing basketball in 1st grade. I played with all my friends and we were really good, even though we were only in 1st grade. Ever since then basketball has been the thing I love the most. At any family event, I have I am always trying to get someone to come shoot with me or play horse. I always loved the number 20 until I became a freshman in high school, then I switched to number 14. When I was a freshman I didn't play very much because we had a very good group of juniors above me and a good senior. I started to worry that I wasn't good enough because I wasn't playing varsity, but then my coach said “If it wasn't for you young cats working so hard in practice everyday and making the varsity girls better they wouldn't be as good as they are now.” After Bruto said that it made me feel important on the team. …show more content…

From that time and on it’s just me, my team, and the ball. I cancel everything out. After the game I have this sense of accomplishment. I know I tried my hardest, even if I didn’t have the best game, and I concentrate on the next game. When I make a shot I get this amazing feeling. I don’t even know how to describe it. There’s no other feeling in the world like it. That’s the one thing no one can take away from me and I think that’s what makes me love basketball more. It makes me feel free and helps me get whatever is on my mind off. I usually know as soon as the shot leaves my hand if it's going to go in or

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