Barbie Doll Poem Analysis

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For this assignment I have chosen to analyze the theme of Marge Piercy’s poem “Barbie Doll” found on page 533 in the Norton textbook. In the poem, the speaker describes a young child, a girl, who was born and raised “as usual” with “dolls that did pee-pee and miniature GE stoves and irons and wee lipsticks the color of cotton candy”. The speaker then goes on to describe the girls downfall in adolescence possessing “a great big nose and fat legs” that over shadowed her better qualities and ostracized her. The girl then grows bitter to the world, with the speaker expressing that “her good nature wore out like a fan belt” until the girl “cut off her nose and her legs and offered them up” mutilating herself and ending her own life. The speaker
For example in lines five and six in the poem the speaker says, “Then in the magic of puberty, a classmate said: You have a great big nose and fat legs.”, with “magic” typically meaning something otherworldly and fantastic, the reader can assume that the speaker is inferring the opposite of puberty, that it is a cruel and daunting time for the girl as she grows awkwardly and is belittled by her peers. Through this sarcasm and mockery Piercy is telling the reader for the first time that although this “girlchild” was raised “normally” like all little girls, played with the same toys and had the same experiences, that she is now cast apart from her peers solely because of her appearance. Causing a first rift of social acceptance in this young girl’s life. This sarcastic undertone resurfaces once more in the last two lines of “Barbie Doll” when the speaker expresses of the girl’s death “Consummation at last”. With “consummation” meaning a finalization, the speaker is expressing that in the girl’s death, laying in her coffin with a fake nose and her fat legs covered, that she is finally “beautiful” and accepted by society. The speaker then ends the poem by sarcastically stating “To every woman a happy ending”, to which the reader can interpret the speaker to mean that even if it means taking a woman to her death, society’s depiction of her and lastly the title of the poem embodying the girl’s own affliction. The message though, that I personally took away from analyzing this poem is to be happy with the body and features you are granted and to forget what society may think of you because while you can work out and wear makeup and change your features you only have one body to live in. One of my favorite quotes is “What other people think of you is not your business. If you start to make that business your business, you will be offended for the rest of your life” by Deepak Chopra. Unfortunately for the girl in Marge Piercy’s “Barbie Doll” this mind set was made impossible by society’s standards for her as it is for many young women in todays “thigh gap” obsessed

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