Banning Cell Phones While Driving Essay

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Using cell phones while driving is far from safe. There are many people who were injured from using their cell phones while driving. So many people have even died from using their cell phones while driving. Using cell phones while driving should be illegal. Banning cell phones while driving will make the road a much safe place. Using your cell phone while driving can put yourself in danger, other drivers in danger, and also pedestrians in danger. The first thing that I am going to talk about is the type of distractions that can occur while being behind the wheel. There are three types of distractions that can occur while you’re behind the wheel. The three types of distractions are visual, manual, and cognitive. Visual, that is taking your eyes …show more content…

Keri B. had a teacher named Damara R. Damara was loved by all of her students. One morning, on her way from home to the school to work, she was texting on a straight area of the highway. At that moment, an eighteen wheeler was coming off the breakdown lane back onto the highway and she hit his flatbed trailer. She never knew what hit her. She has not once even hit her brakes. Keri B. and other students were depressed for a very long time because of that. Damara was Keri’s favorite teacher. She is still very missed till this day by her co-workers and students. Banning the use of cell phones would be a great idea. Doing that would be for the better. Do you know how much safer the road would be if they do so? It would become a lot safer. Banning the use of cell phones while driving would make the road a much safer place. Many people have died or injured their selves and others in car accidents due to using their cell phones while driving. Using your cell phone while driving is getting out of hand. That is now a major problem. Car accidents have increased tremendously from the use of cell phones while driving. Banning the use of cell phones while driving would decrease collisions. Several states in the United States and other countries such as Canada have considered banning the use of cell phones while driving. Fewer accidents would happen if using your phone while driving was

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